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Eclipse 08.04.24. Voice as an instrument to heal, celebrate and farewell.

¨Embrace your shadow and pour in light¨, this is the name we chose for a sound meditation my partner and I felt called to gift today.

We all probably have experienced some ¨shadows¨ come up during the eclipse corridor, in the forms of past experiences and memories that need our acceptance and liberation, or feelings that might rise and take away the peace and cause imbalance.

With this meditation we invited ourselves and everyone who watches it, to embrace all shadows with inner light.

And the best way is to start with finding a place, a point in you where you do feel light, balance, peace, calmness and hope. And start growing it towards any shadowed parts in you.

I deeply admire the power of the voice and sound to guide into the place of power. During the meditation we felt how spirits of elements came in to support the process.

Ancestral wisdom and power weaved themselves into the music by my mere observation of the voice and feelings, where they led me. No control but observation and following the voice flow.

We hope you enjoy and find this session healing and soothing. Let us know and thank you for gathering with us.

Margo & Javier

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